Easter is coming, and so are chocolate Easter Bunnies sculpted by yours truly.
A plaster test-cast from a custom chocolate Easter bunny mold. This design was inspired in-part by Donnie Darko.
Above is a plaster cast from my first mold. Some work needs to be done in order to get the ears and face to release cleanly from the silicone, but overall I'm pleased with the process thus far.
Creating a food-grade silicone custom Easter bunny mold.
Smooth-on makes a variety of food safe platinum-cure silicone products. The "Sorta-Clear" line is aptly named and makes for an interesting look when back-lit.
Making a silicone mold with a plasticine clay Easter bunny.
Ideally the silicone would be de-gassed in a vacuum chamber before pouring, but in an effort to avoid the perfect being the enemy of the good, I allowed myself this experiment in making a mold while skipping that step. The mold has a good inner surface in spite of the bubbles, and that's what counts.
Creepy Easter bunny models.
It may be silly, it may be strange, but there is a lot of joy to be had in sculpting rabbits for the Easter Bunny in Chief. Especially when combined with the rewards of eating lots of chocolate in the not too distant future.