Many thanks to Nehemiah Dixon for including me in the crack team he assembled with:
Amy Braden, painter, organizer, visionary.
Thomas Stanley, professor, ethnomusicologist, host of Bushmeat's Jam Session on WPFW.
Liz Lessner, artist, maker, wearable electrics wizard.
David Ibata, painter, gentleman, scholar.
Charlene Gaddy Wallace, artist, sewing extraordinaire, educator.
And many thanks to CPDC and Capital One for sponsoring this chance to make great things happen! I look forward to sharing my knowledge and skills and being inspired by the Overlook and Congress Heights community in SE Washington, DC. CPDC and Capital One have launched the makerspace to...
“Introduce the makerspace concept to the affordable housing community, demonstrate what is possible, and spur interest in replicating this model in other communities across the country””
Look for us at Capital One's new Makerspace in The Overlook at Oxon Run, 3700 9th St SE, Washington, DC 20032