Another work in progress- it functions as a tiny test surface when blending colors for larger paintings. Painted on, wiped down, and painted on again.
My Banana is not happy with me…
Temperatures in the studio are not optimal for banana storage. That combined with the abuse it's taken in the painting process has made it brown quicker than I can paint it.
Lemon drop?
Rubber duck looms large in the land of the eclipse
Mothman to the Flame?
Another work in progress in the series. Still figuring out what it means myself.
Space Winnebago Eclipse
Screened Memories, high strangeness, and unidentified flying Winnebagos.
Breasts in Progress
I'm toying with the idea of doing a series of paintings combining nudity with the paranormal and/or surreal. The idea being to help raise awareness and funds for sex-worker organizations and other non-profits focused on helping people in need. It's so strange to me that we live in a world where people don't adequately care for each other. It's more absurd to me than the possibility of Bigfoot, aliens, and inter-dimensional portals. I'm not sure what to make of it.
If you're a person or organization that would want to be in a painting, let me know.
Also, mothman, are you out there? Are you real? Are you good or evil? Maybe don't let me know?
Another Dimension
Imaginary landscapes, with a portal made of black 3.0 leading from verso to recto. Also, garbage in my front yard. Anybody need a piano harp?
Ufo abduction in progress
Back by popular demand- aliens! Oil on panel.
Olivia Weise
Talented artist and art reproduction specialist extraordinaire has a new website:
Well worth a look see.